Page 2 - Thermal Spray - Hi-Tech Compressor
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WHAT IS THERMAL                                                                                                             WHY THERMAL

            SPRAY?                                                                                                                      SPRAY?

              Thermal spraying is an industrial coating                                                                                   Thermal spraying repairs worn metal-
              process that consists of a heat source ( ame                                                                               lic items. Unlike most repairs, thermal
              or other) and a coating material in a powder                WORTHINGTON CROSSHEAD GUIDE                                     spraying is not a “band-aid”  x. It will
              or wire form which is literally melted into tiny                                                                            restore your part back to OEM speci -
              droplets and sprayed onto surfaces at high                                                                                  cations or better!
              velocity. This “spray welding” process is known
              by many names including Plasma Spray, HVOF,                                                                                 ►   Improve Performance
              Flame Spray and metallizing. Thermal sprayed                                                                                   With the ability to bond and coat stronger
              coatings are typically applied to metal sub-                                                                                   and more durable materials to your worn
              strates, but can also be applied to some plastic                                                                               parts, thermal spraying can increase the
              substrates. Thermal spray coatings uniquely                                                                                    life and performance of your parts.
              enhance and improve the performance of the                                                                                  ►   Reduce Costs
              component.                                                      COATED PUMP IMPELLER                                           With the high replacement costs of most
                                                                                                                                             parts, thermal spraying often is less than
                                                                                                                                             half the cost of replacement.
                                                                                                                                          ►   Reduce Downtime
            MAIN THERMAL SPRAY                                                                                                               We have turnaround times as low as 24 hrs.

               Electric Arc Spray                                                                                                         Thermal spraying is an e ective
               Flame Spray                                                                                                                alternative to several surface modi -
              ►                                                                                                                           cations including: nickel and chrome
               Plasma Spray
              ►                                                           CERAMIC COATING PUMP HOUSING                                    plating, nitride or heat treat pro-               Metal Arc Spray on 36” Bearing Washer
               HVOF                                                                                                                       cesses, anodizing and weld overlay.
                                                                                                                                          The broad choice of materials give
                                                                                                                                          you design  exibility to solve speci c
                                                                                                                                          performance problems.

                                I M P E L L E R   –   B R O N Z
                                I M P E L L E R   –   B R O N Z E  E
                                    W E A R   R I N G S
                                                                          IR KVG POWER CYLINDER BEFORE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B E F O R E

                                                                                                                                                                                                B R O N Z E   R I D E R   B A N D S

                       TUNGSTEN CARBIDE ROD COATING                        IR KVG POWER CYLINDER AFTER                                                                         A F T E R

                                                                                                                                      H i - Te c h   C o m p r e s s o r s   &   P u m p   P r o d u c t s ,   I n c .       w w w . h i - t e c h c o m p r e s s o r. c o m
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