
Pumps come in various sizes, styles, and services.

Also, like compressors, one common weakness is that wear is unavoidable. This wear is attributed to two main sources, mechanical and product related.

Pump components will inevitably need repairs due to regular mechanical stresses over time. In addition, pumps that handle abrasive or corrosive product will suffer from accelerated mechanical wear that must be monitored and remediated.

Hi-Tech Compressor can restore and recondition any size, style, or brand of pump so that it performs reliably and to original specifications.

For regular mechanical reconditioning, our technicians will perform:

  • Bearing housing repair
  • Bearing replacement
  • Wear replacement and upgrading (Non-Metallic and specialty materials available upon request)
  • Gasket replacement
  • Shaft and impeller balancing
  • Thermal spray
  • Dimensional reclamation to seal the bearing surfaces

* for pump repair parts please click HERE


To bring pumps that handle gritty or corrosive products to peak performance, we will:

  • Apply ceramic barriers to shafts, impellers, and housings exposed to corrosive substances using our Plasma Thermal Spray process.
  • Apply tungsten carbide spray to shafts, impellers, and housings exposed to gritty substances using our HVOF (high-velocity oxygen fuel) Thermal Spray process.
  • For inaccessible areas, we offer diffusion alloying processes such as Boronizing and Aluminizing for superior resistance to erosion or corrosion.
  • Repair housings and impellers that have worn due to cavitation.
  • Perform Metal Stitching or welding on components that have cracked.

We thoroughly document all repair work, starting with disassembly and inspection. Our technicians pay particular attention to critical areas, such as bearing journals, seal surfaces and running clearances. This documentation is invaluable for work scope development and traceability.


